Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Home Maintenance

Lounging on the couch in front of the television on New Years Day is luxurious and a favorite past time. However now that I am a homeowner the 'To Do' list always has something on it! My solution to getting some relaxation in and taking care of a few things around the house has always been a challenge. For New Year's Day  I keep the list short, and focus on annual and easy tasks. If you have the same dilema than I an happy to share my solution with you. A small bit of prepartion is required, that being a quick trip to the home center to buy a few things. Here is my New Year's Day short list:

  1. Change the HVAC air intake filter.
  2. Change the batteries in your smoke alrams and carbon monoxide detectors, then test them to make sure they are working properly.
  3. Check weatherstripping and caulking. If the weather stripping is crumply or has gaps then its time to replace it. Remove the old with a utility knife and apply the peel and stick foam weatherstriping. This is a very easy maintenance job that can keep you home warm and save some money on the heating bill.
  4. Want to fix that squeaky door for good? Watch this short viedo to learn the really quick solution.

Have a Happy and relaxing New Year!

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