Thursday, January 2, 2014

Focus on your ONE Thing to Attain New Year's Resolution

Was one of your New Year‘s resolution to lose weight, eat healthier, or get more exercise? Ok great - now you’ve resolved to do this but how are you going to actually achieve your goal? Research shows that only about 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolution goals. Science has been studying why we make these resolutions, but more importantly how we can keep them. Here are some points to focus on in attaining your goal.
  • Identify your ONE Thing.
  • Get clarity around your purpose.
  • Build productive habits into your daily life that empower you.
  • Protect your ONE Thing time.

Keep it Simple

The average person has a busy life, with competing priorities, so keeping resolutions short and simple provide a better opportunity for success. It’s exciting and uplifting to set ambitious resolutions, but our excietment fades quickly as we get back to our daily grind. Keeping the goals rational with achievable metrics is a design for lasting results. Whittle your New Year's goals down to a simple and succinct vision statement. Then ask yourself: “What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”* This will help you bring into focus your actions that will help you to reach your goal.  As an example: “What’s the ONE thing that I can do (today) to lose weight (this year), such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

Become Single-Minded

Become single minded, focus on purpose, and priority. Often we fail because we are trying to do too much too fast. Start slow and don’t let failure or a setback keep you from reaching your goal. The Mayo Clinic suggests using what they call the yes-to-stress ratio to determine if committing to something is going to overextend you and ultimately lead to stress.

Establish Accountability

Find a weight loss or exercise partner. It’s easier to get up earlier and go workout if you have a buddy to do it with. This is the person that you will be able to turn to when you are losing steam or facing a setback, or that will cheer you on.

Protect Your Goal

We all want to more in our life, which usually ends up meaning more things to do. There will be times that you will be faced with the challenge of cutting out an activity for achieving your goal, in order to attend to another task. There will be times that you will need to say no, don’t let it be the activity that is part of attaining your goal. It’s easy to cut the workout short for something in another area of your life that needs tending to. Be creative with your scheduling don’t rule out getting up earlier, or cutting out the stop at Starbucks before work. Only the ability to dismiss distractions and concentrate on your ONE Thing stands between you and your goals.

Make it Fun

If losing weight isn’t your passion in life, then making it fun well keep you on the road to success. Research and prepare some quick light great tasting meals. Sign up with a friend for a foot race, then you have a reason to workout. Buy a fitness tracker wristband. Nike is the leader in this area with its Fuelband lineup, Fitbit and Jawbone are great fun trackers that give you Fuel points for all types of activities. It’s fun to track the activities everything from walking around the kitchen to bike riding.

You are on your way to attaining success in you New Year’s resolution goals! These principles of success came from Gary Keller’s The ONE Thing book, which can be applied to any goal setting in your life.

*from Gary Keller’s The ONE Thing book

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