Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Saving Money On Your Utility Bills This Winter

Baby its cold outside!  If you are considering a home in Savannah’s historic district you might be looking for ways to keep your charmer nice and toasty this season.  It’s no secret that homes in the historic district offer unrivaled physical beauty and old century charms but how do you take advantage of that while keeping your heating bill low?

The first step is to figure out what you’re working with.  The previous owners may have already taken measures to lower the energy costs.  You can simply ask them what they've done but you can also ask them to take a look at the previous year’s energy bill for the home.  Yes, the cost may be higher than a new home but don’t let that turn you away.  There are certainly things you can do to lower that bill. 

  1. Many companies like Georgia Power offer free in-home energy audits.  These audits will show you ways to save up to 30% on your annual energy bill. 
  2.  Insulating your attic and sealing off any attic entry areas is especially important.  I’m not an insulation expert but I know there are a few options for making this happen.  You can pay someone to help or you can try on your own.  In my own home I used a spray foam that expanded which I purchased at Lowes.  I used this to seal up the entry to the attic to keep air from leaking.  I also used it in areas around the parameter of my home where I found air leaking. 
  3. While you are insulating you should take a look at other areas where air might escape like door frames, window frames, electrical outlets, cable lines, dryer vent pass through areas, outdoor faucets, and holes in the garage.
  4. If within your budget, replace old windows and doors and choose energy efficient options.
    Keep in mind that windows and doors embody the original architecture of the home and the historical feeling should be preserved.  In fact some areas require the historical look to be preserved.  If this added expense isn't in the cards for you at this time there are other things you can do to lower your heating cost.  One option is adding storm shutters to windows or you can add window stripping.  You can also buy a door snake.  It sounds scary but it’s not and it will help keep air from leaking under your entry ways.
  5. Home automation systems are a wise addition to historical homes.  They can help you save money by conserving electricity and optimizing your heating system.  The list of what can be done via home automation is pretty impressive but you can make a big impact by using your system to adjust the temperature of your home automatically.  Allow it to turn the heat off while you are at work, make the house cooler before you go to bed, and warm it back up before you rise in the morning.  Some 56% of the energy used in a typical home goes to heating and cooling so automation alone can make a large impact.

We wish you luck in your home search and a toasty winter season!
Article written by Security Gem: About SecurityGem.com
SecurityGem.com is a resource for home security information and home security reviews. 

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