Monday, August 19, 2013

Wisdom 2.0; Wisdom and Compassion in a Digital Age

Want to learn about something that is totally uplifting and will bring you hope? Well wander on over to and learn about a unique conference, Wisdom 2.0, that will be taking place this February. No it’s not a conference on how to be successful in business. Haven’t we had enough of those? This annual conference which is in its third year is about how ‘to live connected to one another through technology, but do so in ways that are beneficial to our own well-being, effective in our work, and useful to the world.’  The conference brings together people from all over the world and through workshops, social media conversations, and think tank style gatherings they strive to ‘to bring this conversation to the world in an accessible, innovative, and inclusive way.’  Wisdom 2.0 is ‘about exploring living with awareness, wisdom and compassion in modern life.’

They bring speakers from different sectors together including technology, wisdom traditions, neuroscience, game development, and more. Past speakers have included the founders of Facebook, Twitter, PayPal and wisdom teachers from different spiritual traditions such as Eckhart Tolle and Mindfulness teacher Jon Kabar-Zinn. The goal is to learn how to live with greater presence, purpose, and wisdom in the digital age.  Jack Kornfield was one of the speakers at the 2013 conference his definition of wisdom is “bringing body heart world mind together in the wholeness that it is.” Biz Stone, founder of Twitter, defines wisdom as: “understanding plus experience and the ability to use that understanding and experience to make a difference, to action to do something real …”  Thupten Jinpa, Center for Compassion defines wisdom as: “global, wisdom also is more of an understanding, … wisdom is experiential, … it gives rise to understanding interconnections come into the picture.”

"Where the technology and contemplative communities ... hash out the best ways to incorporate these tools into our lives—and keep them from taking over." - Wired Magazine

Watch this video for some inspiration on wisdom.

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