Role Models
- “We understand that we have a fundamental
responsibility to use our scale, global reach, and yes, even our capital to
support and invest in our community.” Peter Scher, Executive VP, Head of Corporate Responsibility, JP Morgan Chase
& Company
- “Volunteerism is the optimum” -Bill O’Reilly, FOX News
- “How can we mobilize volunteers the way we
mobilize voters?”Karl Rove and David Plouffe share tactics from both sides of the aisle: it’s
about speed, authenticity, and efficacy. “respect, empower, include.”
- "Be of service. Whether you make yourself
available to a friend or co-worker, or you make time every month to do
volunteer work, there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment
than being of service to someone in need." - Gillian Anderson actress
Finding Your Volunteer Niche
If you are wondering about what might be of interest to
volunteer with than go to the United Way HandsOn
of Savannah a direct service of the United Way of the Coastal Empire. “United
Way HandsOn Savannah (HOS) helps individuals, families and corporate and
community groups find
flexible volunteer opportunities at more than 200 service
organizations and schools in our four county area.” At the HandsOn website one
can browse by Partner Organizations that you might be interested in helping, or
by opportunities. If you are thinking of volunteering but are not sure how to
get started? It’s best to do some research first. Look for an organization that
deals with issues about which you feel strongly. Then consider the skills you
have to offer. Some opportunities involve some training, this can provide one
with a great learning experience. Make sure you don’t over commit yourself,
these organizations depend heavily on their volunteers. Finally some wise
advice from the HandsOn organization: “Bring your heart and your sense of humor
to your volunteer service, along with the enthusiastic spirit which is, in
itself, a priceless gift. What you'll get back will be immeasurable!”
Just Do It!

“Research has shown that people who volunteer often live
longer.” - Allen Klein (author)
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