Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January Home Maintenance Check List

Keeping up a home requires a lot of time and effort. During the winter when it’s cold outside or raining it can be a challenge to keep up with the maintenance. However there are always plenty of indoor projects that keep your home running smoothly. Here is a list of tasks that are often forgotten about, yet are easy to do and don’t take a lot of time.

  1. Change water and icemaker filters - When filters become clogged, the flow of water slows
    and can allow mold to form inside the filter.
  2. Clear the drains in bathroom sink & tub - Hair and debris can build up in your bathroom drains and let dirty water to stand in your sink or tub, allowing mold and mildew to grow both in the basin and in the pipes.
  3. Clean or replace shower heads – watch the video. 
  4. Check your furnace filter monthly in the winter to see if it needs replacing.
  5. Seal air leaks- Check for leaks that could be allowing heated air to rise into your attic. Also check around dryer vents, pipes and where electrical wiring enters the house. Add more attic insulation to keep warm air downstairs where it belongs.
  6. Make sure your attic has adequate ventilation so the air in the attic is a similar temperature as the air outside.
  7. Compile or update home inventory - Record purchase dates and sources on your spreadsheet, and attach receipts and any appraisal statements to the inventory. Or, you can scan relevant document and attach them digitally to your inventory spreadsheet.
  8. Inspect furniture, cabinets and vanities for loose knobs, pulls and hinges. Tighten or repair as
    necessary. Lubricate squeaky door hinges with lightweight machine oil. Free sticky doors by trimming edges or shimming hinges with thin pieces of cardboard.
  9. Look for pests seeking shelter
a.    Seal any cracks where pests enter.
b.   Empty compost and garbage frequently.
c.    Keep food covered and put away; keep counters clean.
d.    Fix leaky pipes quickly.
e.    Pour boiling water down bathroom and kitchen drains monthly, preventing the buildup of bacteria-laden sludge; scrub removable drain covers weekly.
f.     Check basement, attic, crawl spaces and the back of cupboards and cabinets for mice droppings or holes. If you find evidence, install traps immediately or call a pest-control service.
g.    Pick up and dispose of outdoor pet waste promptly; turn compost piles frequently.

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