Friday, November 8, 2013

Rock & Roll Marathon Savannah

You have to be living under rock to not have heard the buzz about the Rock'n'Roll Marathon that is taking place this weekend here in Savannah. Not being much of a runner I had some questions about this big event that is taking over our city tomorrow. First question, was ok what's the big deal anyway? The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series is the ‘world’s largest running series’ featuring live bands along the course, cheer teams and entertaining water stations. The outdoor festival will encapsulate Savannah in its entirety and culminate with a finish line festival featuring the band Jackyl. It is however a rock and roll marathon so there is more than one band, there are actually a total of 24 bands along the race route that will be playing. If you would like to listen to any of the music (since it’s free) here is a link to a list of the bands and their venues.

Who Puts This Marathon On?

Competitor Group, Inc. a Global Services, Media and Event Entertainment Company headquartered in San Diego CA owns and operates the marathon. CGI owns and operates 83 events around the world, including the flagship Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series. CGI also owns five magazines; Velo, Inside Triathlon, Triathlete, Women’s Running and Competitor. They operate 30 events in the The Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series, everywhere from Madrid, Las Vegas, Montreal, and New York. For Savannah to host such a large international event is monumental. No wonder all my running friends are going crazy about this event being here.

The Most Spirited Neighborhood

Since the event covers the entire city there will be many road closures. Here is a link to a list of the closures, or here is a link to a map of the course if you prefer to plan your routes that way. However if you prefer to hang at home, or maybe you are close enough to bike or walk to a section of the race there is a neighborhood Spirit Station competition that includes prize money. The contest is called Rock around the Block. Such a clever way to get people on board with the race in their neighborhood!

Other Events
  • There is a Health & Fitness Expo Today (Friday Nov. 8th) at the Convention Center. No Entrance Fee
  • An official Pasta Party offered by Connect Tonight (Friday Nov. 8th) from 5-9pm at the Charles H. Morris Center 10 E. Broad Street with live music (of course). You can purchase tickets here.
  • Runners can earn ‘Heavy Medals’ by completing more than one event in a calendar year.
  • But wait there is more … even kids can participate in the marathon! There is a non-competitive one mile run for children in grades k-7 which takes place on Sunday 2:00pm at Daffin Park. Learn more and register here.

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